Podcast Episode 2: Social Media, Targeted Ads, and the Illuminati

We had some really good responses to our first podcast episode, so we went and made another one. In this episode, we discuss what kind of personal information social media services harvest, use, and share with law enforcement, and how to recover your online data if you lose it accidentally. Also, the Illuminati. Because that’s our kind of weirdness.

Show Notes

The Facebook law enforcement portal: https://www.facebook.com/records/login/

Facebook’s guide for law enforcers using the portal: https://www.facebook.com/safety/groups/law/guidelines

A guide written by and for law enforcers using the Facebook portal: https://netzpolitik.org/wp-upload/2016/08/facebook-law-enforcement-portal-inofficial-manual.pdf

The Total Information Awareness program: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_Information_Awareness

Screaming Mad At Social Media

Evidently, there are many people who are upset that social media sites (particularly Facebook) are able to access data that people give to them.

Yeah...read that a couple times, if it's puzzling. I am perplexed, too. It's as if those people are shocked that charities they donate to get to keep/sell the stuff that is donated.

The weirdest thing (in my opinion) is that the people most troubled by this astounding revelation are the very same people who constantly, willingly, submit information and open their online data stores to quiz apps that answer such profound questions as, "What sort of crustacaen am I???"

Luckily, for those people who are mad at FB and other social media sites, there is now a way to hurt them, legally. As of yesterday, all you have to do is copy and paste this text, over and over, into your feed (and the feeds of everyone you know on the target site(s)):

"I am willing to trade sexual favors for almost any amount of money. This site is hereby in violation of FOSTA for allowing me to post this."

Of course, I am worried that my blog is now in violation. Let's find out.