58 Robin Teaches - Malware (Part 1)
For the contest, you can email us at: ben@benmalisow.com, or reach us via the form in this link: https://www.securityzed.com/contact.
57 - Want a Cookie?
The book mentioned in the promo: https://www.amazon.com/Pass-Your-INFOSEC-Certification-Test-ebook/dp/B01N9VOL9O/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=how+to+pass+infosec&qid=1616766690&sr=8-1
Also, check out my Udemy courses that accompany the book:
55 Stephanie Dannan or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The INFOSEC
The Udemy course link mentioned in the promo: https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-pass-your-infosec-exam/?referralCode=CEB07D31DF60C7FB5113
Stephanie Dannan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephaniedannan/
53 For the Dyeti with Ellen Sabin
The Udemy course mentioned at the start of the show: https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-pass-your-infosec-exam/?referralCode=CEB07D31DF60C7FB5113
Ellen’s publishing website: http://www.wateringcanpress.com/
50 Speaking With The CISO - Patti Titus
The book Patti mentioned: http://www.wateringcanpress.com/html/supersmartcyberguide.html
The JROTC program Patti mentioned: https://mcjrotc.net/innovation-camp
Markel, the company where Patti is the CISO: https://www.markel.com/
48 Securing Your Business For Real with Thomas Tyler
Links mentioned in the show:
CapinTech: https://capintech.com/
CapinCrouse: https://www.capincrouse.com/
47 All the Singularities
Vinge’s original paper on the subject: https://edoras.sdsu.edu/~vinge/misc/singularity.html
45 - 2021: At Least it's Not Mad Max
As promised, the link to the new book: CCSK Practice Tests by Ben Malisow
43. The Imitation Game with Prashant Mohan
Our first ever return guest, Prashant Mohan, joins us in celebrating nerd hero Alan Turing in our movie review of The Imitation Game (Morten Tyldum, 2014).
Read More42. Safing: Fighting Surveillance with Raphael Fiedler
Join us in exploring a new way to control your personal privacy online in a conversation with the CEO of Safing, Raphael Fiedler. You know it’s going to be a great episode when their website header is “Fight surveillance because you love Freedom.”
Raphael’s company, Safing: https://safing.io/
Raphael’s podcast: https://safing.io/podcast/
41. Section 230
The law, itself: https://transition.fcc.gov/Reports/tcom1996.txt
40. Test Prep Books With Prashant Mohan
Link for Memory Palace (CISSP):
Link for CIRRUS (CCSP):
Radha Arora - https://in.linkedin.com/in/radha-arora-780262107
Study Notes and Theory - https://www.studynotesandtheory.com
Infosec Train - https://www.infosectrain.com
Fadi Sodah (Madunix) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/madunix