129 How Do I Crypto?

The WannaBeA content: wannabeacissp.com

Many thanks to co-host Matt Snoddy! Go buy consulting services from him: http://www.networktherapists.com/

You can now sponsor The Sensuous Sounds Of INFOSEC! Buy us a gallon of gas here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/securityzed

Visit our friend and co-host Raphty here: safing.io


Well....this sucks. Court says that room scans can't be used for online testing.

I have to imagine that this particular ruling is only applicable to government schools— the case was about the Fourth Amendment freedom from unreasonable search and seizure (by the government), and the school in question was a college run by the state of Ohio. But if this impacts online testing in general (if the specific case becomes precedent for general applicability), private testing services (such as those that provide certification testing) might restrict or end online options. And this would a true shame: the convenience and other benefits of remote testing is a boon to our world, not something to fear.

You can read the court’s decision here: https://bbgohio.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/MSJ-decision.pdf

127 Profiles in Nerding - Andy Hartzell

Fox, Bunny, Funny at Top Shelf Comix: https://www.topshelfcomix.com/catalog/fox-bunny-funny/573

The WannaBeA content: wannabeacissp.com

Many thanks to co-host Matt Snoddy! Go buy consulting services from him: http://www.networktherapists.com/

You can now sponsor The Sensuous Sounds Of INFOSEC! Buy us a gallon of gas here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/securityzed

Visit our friend and co-host Raphty here: safing.io

Discounted WannaBeA CISM course for Sep-Oct 2022

Dr. Lewis Pate and I are finishing up the revisions on WannaBeA CISM course, and getting it ready for delivery to general audiences! We've scheduled the first public run for the end of September/start of October. This one will be recorded for future use as a self-study course, so we're offering a massive (85%) discount: only $150...but you have to sign a waiver/release to allow us to use your participation in the eventual self-study version. Seats are limited to 25 participants-- sign up now to secure your spot.


124 British people in our homes?!?!?!!

The WannaBeA content: wannabeacissp.com

Many thanks to co-host Matt Snoddy! Go buy consulting services from him: http://www.networktherapists.com/

You can now sponsor The Sensuous Sounds Of INFOSEC! Buy us a gallon of gas here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/securityzed

Visit our friend and co-host Raphty here: safing.io

The proposed legislation mentioned in the show: https://reason.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/The-Fourth-Amendment-Is-Not-For-Sale-Act-of-2021-Bill-Text.pdf

123 Quantum Leaps

The WannaBeA content: wannabeacissp.com

Many thanks to co-host Matt Snoddy! Go buy consulting services from him: http://www.networktherapists.com/

You can now sponsor The Sensuous Sounds Of INFOSEC! Buy us a gallon of gas here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/securityzed

Visit our friend and co-host Raphty here: safing.io

An article about the algorithms discussed in the show: https://www.zdnet.com/article/to-stop-quantum-hackers-the-us-just-chose-these-four-quantum-resistant-encryption-algorithms/?utm_content=bufferf29ae&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin.com&utm_campaign=buffer

WannaBeA CISM course now in trial run

WannaBeA is rolling out its CISM prep course. We’re starting with a demo course at reduced cost, in order to get feedback and work out the bugs. The final version should be available as both a live course online as well as a recorded self-study version by the end of the year (and hopefully sooner). If you’re interested in the beta/demo, come join us here: https://www.wannabeasscp.com/courses/p/wannabea-cism-demo-prep-course

122 Current Events - Guns and Deepfakes

The WannaBeA content: wannabeacissp.com

Many thanks to co-host Matt Snoddy! Go buy consulting services from him: http://www.networktherapists.com/

You can now sponsor The Sensuous Sounds Of INFOSEC! Buy us a gallon of gas here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/securityzed

Visit our friend and co-host Raphty here: safing.io




Domain 1 of the 2022 WannaBeA CCSP prep course now available

Domain 1 of the 2022 version of the WannaBeA CCSP prep class is now available. I’m going to roll out this course as I complete it, so I’m offering a deal on getting access to the material.

The total cost of the course, once it’s complete, will be $93 USD. There will be six Domains. If you want to get early access, I’m going to charge a fractional price each time new content is released. So, if you buy access now, it will cost $16…and you’ll get access for six months, to include all the new material as it’s made available. When Domain 2 gets added, the price will go up to $32; when D3 is added, the price will be $48, and so on.

So get in early, if you want the most economical access to the WannaBeA CCSP course for the 2022 Exam Outline!




WannaBeA CISSP Prep Course Sale

I will admit it: I'm a ridiculous patriot. For all its faults, the United States is the greatest human experiment, ever.

So I'm offering a discount, in honor of the Fourth of July, on the CISSP recorded course: for a limited time, the entire course, approximately 19 hours of instruction based on the most recent Exam Outline, is available for $177.60 USD, more than half off the normal pricing.

Get it now. Prices go back up on July 5th.
